Nagoya Philharmony Pops Orchestra

Nagoya Philharmony Pops Orchestra

In April 1995, Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra embarked on a new enterprise. This enterprise was Nagoya Philharmony Pops Orchestra and we proudly appointed Bob Sakuma as its Music Director.

Nagoya Philharmony Pops Orchestra is increasing its popularity through the sales of CDs and various performances, such as the annual Summer Pops Concert. In February 2002, the Pops Orchestra performed at Sumida Triphony Hall in Tokyo for the first time and received favorable reviews. In 2003, a new CD, composed of original pieces, was released and adopted as the in-flight music of Japan Airlines (JAL).


It is rare for a Pops Orchestra to have a Music Director, so we admire this unique aspect of our Orchestra and hope our creativity and individuality reaches and satisfies audiences. We are very proud of the achievements the Pops Orchestra has made and look forward to future performances, CDs and further success.